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Mini-stay in Liverpool: excursions to Port Sunlight and Chester.


Aggiornamento: 5 dic 2023

Aurora Milanaccio and Matilde Castellano 2C LL

Our school organised excursions during our mini-stay in Liverpool to give us the chance to get to know the surrounding areas.

The first trip was to Port Sunlight, a town built on the banks of the River Mersey in Victorian times by the entrepreneur William Lever and his family. They founded it to welcome all immigrant workers in England looking for a job. Port Sunlight is the typical residential village which can be seen in films, with streets and houses all looking the same, so during the orientation activity it was difficult for us to find our way but it was fun too!

We have discovered that it’s an Anglo-Saxon feature to build houses with the same exterior design and a similar arrangement of the rooms inside.

On the day of our visit to Port Sunlight it was sunny, which is very unusual for the typical English weather. The blooming flowers and the mono-family houses lining up on the roadsides gave the impression of being in a fairytale village.

During the excursion we visited the art gallery where the family works of art are collected, it’s a unique collection of paintings and sculptures from the Victorian Age.

The next day we went to visit Chester, a town of Roman origin located inland, famous for the red sandstone walls that surround it, for the typical wooden Tudor buildings and the two-level commercial galleries with modern and typical shops.

This town has an amazing Cathedral and picturesque streets, we were also lucky to see the typical local food and craft stalls.

We strongly recommend everyone participating in this special trip that allows you to live an experience abroad with your classmates for the first time.

We can therefore conclude that this adventure abroad isn’t only good to improve your English skills, but it’s also a memory you will carry with you forever.

We would like to thank the school for organising this amazing and unique experience.

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